Department of Polymer Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

polymer structure and function

Ohkita Lab

About US

In our laboratory, we study optoelectronic properties of polymers and their functionalities.  In other words, our research is based on three keywords: polymers, photons, and electrons.  Using light as a tool, we aim to elucidate the properties and functions at the molecular level by directly observing ultrafast phenomena that give rise to optoelectronic properties at the molecular temporal and spatial scales.  Recently, we have been working on the development of polymer solar cells.

Graduate Student Application

Department of Materials Chemistry and Department of Polymer Chemistry at Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University will conduct a new entrance examination emphasizing basic subjects as a group of Frontier Chemistry Course.  The examination schedule has been shortened to make it easier to take the examination.

For details, please see this page. 


Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, JAPAN

Phone: +81-75-383-2614, Fax: +81-75-383-2617

E-mail : change @ to lowercase)